Saturday, May 2, 2015

The new ROYAL Princess is PERFECT

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge emerged on the steps outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital shortly after 6pm this evening (left and centre), where the world was given a brief glimpse of the new princess (right), whose name is yet to be announced. The newest royal, who appeared wrapped tightly in a white blanket, was born at 8.34am today weighing 8lbs and 3oz - less than three hours after the Duchess was admitted to hospital. Kate, 33, wore a yellow and white dress and smiled for the cameras while Prince William looked in admiration at their second child and first daughter. Their eldest, Prince George, was taken to meet his newborn sister earlier today where he offered a timid wave to the gathered crowds from the hospital steps, before he was whisked home for his bath and tea by his nanny.

Prince Williams smiles adoringly down at his new daughter while she is held in the arms of his wife. They welcomed their second child shortly after 8.30am this morning
Prince Williams smiles adoringly down at his new daughter while she is held in the arms of his wife. They welcomed their second child shortly after 8.30am this morning
The couple went back into the hospital for a few minutes before emerging again with the baby in a car seat. They put her in the back and William got into the driver's seat and took his new daughter back to Kensington Palace with his wife
The couple went back into the hospital for a few minutes before emerging again with the baby in a car seat. They put her in the back and William got into the driver's seat and took his new daughter back to Kensington Palace with his wife
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge emerged from the Lindo Wing with their new baby girl wrapped in a white blanket just after 6pm The royal baby, who will be fourth in line to the throne, emerged with his parents on the steps of the Lindo Wing wearing a lemon bonnetThe newest royal was born at 8.34am today weighing 8lbs and 3oz - less than three hours after the Duchess was admitted to hospitalThis was the first glimpse the world was given of the new baby princessWilliam waved proudly to those who had waited to see the new baby while he put an affectionate arm around his wifeThe princess, whose name is not yet known, appeared to be fast asleep as the cameras flashed and her parents smiled for the cameras Kate and William proudly hold their new baby daughter on the steps of the Lindo Wing

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