Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pictures Of The Robbery In Ikorodu.

Here are some photos from the robbery incident that occurred at the Ogolonto area of Ikorodu this morning. The armed robbers reportedly trailed a bullion van to one of the banks, attacked the bank, moved over to the next bank, robbed them and then burnt the vehicle that they used for the robbery. They left the scene using a speedboat that ferried towards Iyan Oworo.

Nigeria King Of Comedy Alli Baba is 50years old Today.

Nigeria's King of comedy, Alibaba Akporobome turned 50 years old today June 24th. Wishing him plenty more great years ahead.
Alibaba Akporobome 


Lady Gaga was spotted on the streets of New York in a white BRA and shorts..She even went as far as showing some under bo ob...Only she can get away with this..No Time - Lady Gaga steps out in white lacy braNo Time - Lady Gaga steps out in white lacy bra


An 18-year-old man has been arrested by the Bauchi State Police Command,for raping an eight-year-old boy.
The suspect, Mustapha Abdullahi, committed the offence on Saturday at about 4pm.
He added that police detectives attached to the Dass division arrested Abdullahi in Wandi District in the Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State.
The PPRO said,
“The suspect lured an eight-year-old boy and had unlawful carnal knowledge of him against the order of nature. The victim was rushed to the Dass General Hospital for medical examination..The suspect will be charged to court as soon as investigation is concluded.”

Robbery in Ikorodu,Lagos

Getting SOS from a few people about a robbery happening at First Bank and Zenith Bank in the Ebute/Ipakodo axis of Ikorodu. There's reportedly heavy shooting. The robbery has been going for over 40 minutes now and no police presence there as of the time of writing this. And I even hear a police station is close by. Will bring more details later with photos..

Update: The police are there now and have advised people to stay away from the area.

Gbogbo big Girls of Nollywood Eniola Badmus step Out in Bum Shot

Check her out
eniola badmus

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A King In Cameroon with 100 Wifes

Abumbi II, the 11th fon, or king, of Bafut, Cameroon, has close to 100 wives. They weren't all his to start with. According to local tradition, when a fon dies, his successor inherits all his wives and then marries his own queens. He inherited 72 of the women from his late father. He has also taken on over 500 children from all of his wives.
"The queens have a great role to play in the fondom," notes Prince Nickson, also of Bafut, noting that it is up to these women behind the man to shape him in his kingly role.
"Behind every successful man must be a very successful, staunch woman," says Abumbi's third wife, Queen Constance.
"Our tradition has it that when you are king, the elderly wives remain to hand down the tradition to the younger wives, and also to teach the king the tradition because the king had been a prince, not a king."
Despite the fact that polygamy is legal in Cameroon, the data shows that there are far fewer polygamous marriages across the African continent. The practice is being challenged by changing values, the spread of the Christian faith, the growing appeal of the western way of life but also the rising costs of having large families. It is against this backdrop that Cameroon's traditional rulers must walk the fine line between two often conflicting cultures.

"During colonialism other values came in, of governance, different from the traditional values we had and therefore there is this constant conflict between the traditional values and modern western values," admits Fon Abumbi II, who has ruled Bafut, the largest fondom in the region, for 47 years.
"My role is to blend them, to find the way forward so my subjects can enjoy the fruits of development and modernity without destroying their culture. Without a culture, you are not a human being, you are an animal. And therefore the chieftaincy institution is the guarantor of our culture."
"I understand that we might be quick to judge the lifestyle of the kings, but just like in the United Kingdom, African kingdoms and kings are bound to a rich culture and history. (Practices) like inheritance of all your father's wives is nothing but a moral obligation."
On meeting the queens of Fon Ndofua Zofia II of Babungo -- one of Cameroon's youngest traditional rulers -- Methu CNN correspondent said:
"All his young wives, forced on him by tradition, spoke fluent English in a French-speaking region and were great marketers."It is this seeming contradiction that makes life in the fondom fascinating and confusing. Are they stuck in the past or keeping pace with the present? Fon Zofoa III doesn't think you have to choose. He may have "inherited" 72 wives and more than 500 children after his father's death, but he considers himself a very modern king.

"To run a kingdom nowadays in this era, you must be educated because things are moving very fast. Like they used to say, education is light, ignorance is darkness."

Taye Taiwo Flaut his Range Rover Sport

Nigeria Footballer Taye Taiwo show off his new toy car RAnge Rover on his instagram page. 
Nice ride.CongratsTaye Taiwo1Taye TaiwoTaye Taiwo2

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Premier League champions Chelsea will begin their title defence at home against Swansea City next season. Wednesday’s release of the 2015-16 schedule also placed Manchester United vs. Tottenham as one of the most anticipated opening-day matches.
The full opening-day schedule was tweeted by the Premier League’s official Twitter account, with the full season to follow.

8 August 2015
AFC  Bournemouth vs Aston Villa    #BOUAVL

Arsenal vs WestHam United    #ARSWHU
Chelsea vs Swansea City    #CHESWA
Everton vs Watford    #EVEWAT
Leicester City vs Sunderland    #LEISUN
Manchester United vs Tottenham Hotspur    #MUNTOT
Newcastle United vs Southampton    #NEWSOU
Norwich City vs Crystal Palace    #NORCRY
Stoke City vs Liverpool    #STKLIV
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester City    #WBAMCI

15 August 2015
Aston Villa vs Manchester United    #AVLMUN

Crystal Palace vs Arsenal    #CRYARS
Liverpool vs AFC Bournemouth    #LIVBOU
Manchester City vs Chelsea    #MCICHE
Southampton vs Everton    #SOUEVE
Sunderland vs Norwich City    #SUNNOR
Swansea City vs Newcastle United    #SWANEW
Tottenham Hotspur vs Stoke City    #TOTSTK
Watford vs West Bromwich Albion    #WATWBA
West Ham United vs Leicester City    #WHULEI

22 August 2015
Arsenal vs Liverpool    #ARSLIV

Crystal Palace vs Aston Villa    #CRYAVL
Everton vs Manchester City    #EVEMCI
Leicester City vs Tottenham Hotspur    #LEITOT
Manchester United vs Newcastle United    #MUNNEW
Norwich City vs Stoke City    #NORSTK
Sunderland vs Swansea City    #SUNSWA
Watford vs Southampton    #WATSOU
West Bromwich Albion vs Chelsea    #WBACHE
West Ham United vs AFC Bournemouth    #WHUBOU

29 August 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Leicester City    #BOULEI

Aston Villa vs Sunderland    #AVLSUN
Chelsea vs Crystal Palace    #CHECRY
Liverpool vs West Ham United #LIVWHU
Manchester City vs Watford    #MCIWAT
Newcastle United vs Arsenal    #NEWARS
Southampton vs Norwich City    #SOUNOR
Stoke City vs West Bromwich Albion    #STKWBA
Swansea City vs Manchester United    #SWAMUN
Tottenham Hotspur vs Everton    #TOTEVE

12 September 2015
Arsenal vs Stoke City    #ARSSTK

Crystal Palace vs Manchester City    #CRYMCI
Everton vs Chelsea    #EVECHE
Leicester City vs Aston Villa    #LEIAVL
Manchester United vs Liverpool    #MUNLIV
Norwich City vs AFC Bournemouth    #NORBOU
Sunderland vs Tottenham Hotspur    #SUNTOT
Watford vs Swansea City    #WATSWA
West Bromwich Albion vs Southampton    #WBASOU
West Ham United v Newcastle United    #WHUNEW

19 September 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Sunderland #BOUSUN

Aston Villa vs West Bromwich Albion    #AVLWBA
Chelsea vs Arsenal    #CHEARS
Liverpool vs Norwich City    #LIVNOR
Manchester City vs West Ham United    #MCIWHU
Newcastle United vs Watford    #NEWWAT
Southampton vs Manchester United    #SOUMUN
Stoke City vs Leicester City    #STKLEI
Swansea City vs Everton    #SWAEVE
Tottenham Hotspur vs Crystal Palace    #TOTCRY

26 September 2015
Leicester City vs Arsenal    #LEIARS

Liverpool vs Aston Villa    #LIVAVL
Manchester United vs Sunderland    #MUNSUN
Newcastle United vs Chelsea    #NEWCHE
Southampton vs Swansea City    #SOUSWA
Stoke City vs AFC Bournemouth    #STKBOU
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City    #TOTMCI
Watford vs Crystal Palace    #WATCRY
West Bromwich Albion vs Everton    #WBAEVE
West Ham United vs Norwich City    #WHUNOR

3 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Watford    #BOUWAT

Arsenal vs Manchester United    #ARSMUN
Aston Villa vs Stoke City    #AVLSTK
Chelsea vs Southampton    #CHESOU
Crystal Palace vs West Bromwich Albion    #CRYWBA
Everton vs Liverpool    #EVELIV
Manchester City vs Newcastle United    #MCINEW
Norwich City vs Leicester City    #NORLEI
Sunderland vs West Ham United    #SUNWHU
Swansea City vs Tottenham Hotspur    #SWATOT

17 October 2015
Chelsea vs Aston Villa    #CHEAVL

Crystal Palace vs West Ham United    #CRYWHU
Everton vs Manchester United    #EVEMUN
Manchester City vs AFC Bournemouth    #MCIBOU
Newcastle United vs Norwich City    #NEWNOR
Southampton vs Leicester City    #SOULEI
Swansea City vs Stoke City    #SWASTK
Tottenham Hotspur vs Liverpool    #TOTLIV
Watford vs Arsenal    #WATARS
West Bromwich Albion vs Sunderland    #WBASUN

24 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Tottenham Hotspur    #BOUTOT

Arsenal vs Everton    #ARSEVE
Aston Villa vs Swansea City    #AVLSWA
Leicester City vs Crystal Palace    #LEICRY
Liverpool vs Southampton    #LIVSOU
Manchester United vs Manchester City    #MUNMCI
Norwich City vs West Bromwich Albion    #NORWBA
Stoke City vs Watford    #STKWAT
Sunderland vs Newcastle United    #SUNNEW
West Ham United vs Chelsea    #WHUCHE

31 October 2015
Chelsea vs Liverpool    #CHELIV

Crystal Palace vs Manchester United    #CRYMUN
Everton vs Sunderland    #EVESUN
Manchester City vs Norwich City    #MCINOR
Newcastle United vs Stoke City    #NEWSTK
Southampton vs AFC Bournemouth    #SOUBOU
Swansea City vs Arsenal    #SWAARS
Tottenham Hotspur vs Aston Villa    #TOTAVL
Watford vs West Ham United    #WATWHU
West Bromwich Albion vs Leicester City    #WBALEI

7 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Newcastle United    #BOUNEW

Arsenal vs Tottenham Hotspur    #ARSTOT
Aston Villa vs Manchester City    #AVLMCI
Leicester City vs Watford    #LEIWAT
Liverpool vs Crystal Palace    #LIVCRY
Manchester United vs West Bromwich Albion    #MUNWBA
Norwich City vs Swansea City    #NORSWA
Stoke City vs Chelsea    #STKCHE
Sunderland vs Southampton    #SUNSOU
West Ham United vs Everton    #WHUEVE

21 November 2015
Chelsea vs Norwich City    #CHENOR

Crystal Palace vs Sunderland    #CRYSUN
Everton vs Aston Villa    #EVEAVL
Manchester City vs Liverpool    #MCILIV
Newcastle United vs Leicester City    #NEWLEI
Southampton vs Stoke City    #SOUSTK
Swansea City vs AFC Bournemouth    #SWABOU
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Ham United    #TOTWHU
Watford vs Manchester United    #WATMUN
West Bromwich Albion vs Arsenal    #WBAARS

28 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Everton    #BOUEVE

Aston Villa vs Watford    #AVLWAT
Crystal Palace vs Newcastle United    #CRYNEW
Leicester City vs Manchester United    #LEIMUN
Liverpool vs Swansea City    #LIVSWA
Manchester City vs Southampton    #MCISOU
Norwich City vs Arsenal    #NORARS
Sunderland vs Stoke City    #SUNSTK
Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea    #TOTCHE
West Ham United vs West Bromwich Albion    #WHUWBA

5 December 2015
Arsenal vs Sunderland    #ARSSUN

Chelsea vs AFC Bournemouth    #CHEBOU
Everton vs Crystal Palace    #EVECRY
Manchester United vs West Ham United    #MUNWHU
Newcastle United vs Liverpool    #NEWLIV
Southampton vs Aston Villa    #SOUAVL
Stoke City vs Manchester City    #STKMCI
Swansea City vs Leicester City    #SWALEI
Watford vs Norwich City    #WATNOR
West Bromwich Albion vs Tottenham Hotspur                                   #WBATOT

12 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Manchester United    #BOUMUN

Aston Villa vs Arsenal    #AVLARS
Crystal Palace vs Southampton    #CRYSOU
Leicester City vs Chelsea    #LEICHE
Liverpool vs West Bromwich Albion    #LIVWBA
Manchester City vs Swansea City    #MCISWA
Norwich City vs Everton    #NOREVE
Sunderland vs Watford    #SUNWAT
Tottenham Hotspur vs Newcastle United    #TOTNEW
West Ham United vs Stoke City    #WHUSTK

19 December 2015
Arsenal vs Manchester City    #ARSMCI

Chelsea vs Sunderland    #CHESUN
Everton vs Leicester City #EVELEI
Manchester United vs Norwich City    #MUNNOR
Newcastle United vs Aston Villa    #NEWAVL
Southampton vs Tottenham Hotspur    #SOUTOT
Stoke City vs Crystal Palace    #STKCRY
Swansea City vs West Ham United    #SWAWHU
Watford vs Liverpool    #WATLIV
West Bromwich Albion vs AFC Bournemouth #WBABOU

26 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth vs Crystal Palace #BOUCRY

Aston Villa vs West Ham United    #AVLWHU
Chelsea vs Watford    #CHEWAT
Liverpool vs Leicester City    #LIVLEI
Manchester City vs Sunderland    #MCISUN
Newcastle United vs Everton    #NEWEVE
Southampton vs Arsenal    #SOUARS
Stoke City vs Manchester United    #STKMUN
Swansea City vs West Bromwich Albion    #SWAWBA
Tottenham Hotspur vs Norwich City                                                              #TOTNOR

28 December 2015
Arsenal vs AFC Bournemouth    #ARSBOU

Crystal Palace vs Swansea City    #CRYSWA
Everton vs Stoke City    #EVESTK
Leicester City vs Manchester City    #LEIMCI
Manchester United vs Chelsea    #MUNCHE
Norwich City vs Aston Villa    #NORAVL
Sunderland vs Liverpool    #SUNLIV
Watford vs Tottenham Hotspur    #WATTOT
West Bromwich Albion vs Newcastle United    #WBANEW
West Ham United vs Southampton    #WHUSOU

2 January 2016
Arsenal vs Newcastle United    #ARSNEW

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea    #CRYCHE
Everton vs Tottenham Hotspur    #EVETOT
Leicester City vs AFC Bournemouth    #LEIBOU
Manchester United vs Swansea City    #MUNSWA
Norwich City vs Southampton    #NORSOU
Sunderland vs Aston Villa    #SUNAVL
Watford vs Manchester City    #WATMCI
West Bromwich Albion vs Stoke City    #WBASTK
West Ham United vs Liverpool    #WHULIV

12 January 2016

AFC Bournemouth vs West Ham United    #BOUWHU
Aston Villa vs Crystal Palace    #AVLCRY
8pm Liverpool vs Arsenal    #LIVARS
Swansea City vs Sunderland    #SWASUN

13 January 2016
7:45 p.m. kick-offs unless stated

Chelsea vs West Bromwich Albion    #CHEWBA
Manchester City vs Everton    #MCIEVE
Newcastle United vs Manchester United    #NEWMUN
Southampton vs Watford    #SOUWAT
Stoke City vs Norwich City    #STKNOR
8pm Tottenham Hotspur vs Leicester City    #TOTLEI

16 January 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Norwich City    #BOUNOR

Aston Villa vs Leicester City    #AVLLEI
Chelsea vs Everton    #CHEEVE
Liverpool vs Manchester United    #LIVMUN
Manchester City vs Crystal Palace    #MCICRY
Newcastle United vs West Ham United    #NEWWHU
Southampton vs West Bromwich Albion    #SOUWBA
Stoke City vs Arsenal    #STKARS
Swansea City vs Watford    #SWAWAT
Tottenham Hotspur vs Sunderland    #TOTSUN

23 January 2016  
Arsenal vs Chelsea #ARSCHE

Crystal Palace vs Tottenham Hotspur    #CRYTOT
Everton vs Swansea City    #EVESWA
Leicester City vs Stoke City    #LEISTK
Manchester United vs Southampton    #MUNSOU
Norwich City vs Liverpool    #NORLIV
Sunderland vs AFC Bournemouth    #SUNBOU
Watford vs Newcastle United    #WATNEW
West Bromwich Albion vs Aston Villa    #WBAAVL
West Ham United vs Manchester City    #WHUMCI

2 February 2016
7:45 p.m. kick-offs unless stated

Arsenal vs Southampton    #ARSSOU
8pm Crystal Palace vs AFC Bournemouth    #CRYBOU
Leicester City vs Liverpool    #LEILIV
8pm Manchester United vs Stoke City    #MUNSTK
Norwich City vs Tottenham Hotspur    #NORTOT
Sunderland vs Manchester City    #SUNMCI
Watford vs Chelsea    #WATCHE
8pm West Bromwich Albion vs Swansea City    #WBASWA
West Ham United vs Aston Villa    #WHUAVL

3 February 2016
7:45 p.m. Everton vs Newcastle United #EVENEW
6 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Arsenal    #BOUARS

Aston Villa vs Norwich City    #AVLNOR
Chelsea vs Manchester United    #CHEMUN
Liverpool vs Sunderland    #LIVSUN
Manchester City vs Leicester City    #MCILEI
Newcastle United vs West Bromwich Albion    #NEWWBA
Southampton vs West Ham United    #SOUWHU
Stoke City vs Everton    #STKEVE
Swansea City vs Crystal Palace    #SWACRY
Tottenham Hotspur vs Watford    #TOTWAT

13 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Stoke City #BOUSTK

Arsenal vs Leicester City    #ARSLEI
Aston Villa vs Liverpool    #AVLLIV
Chelsea vs Newcastle United    #CHENEW
Crystal Palace vs Watford    #CRYWAT
Everton vs West Bromwich Albion    #EVEWBA
Manchester City vs Tottenham Hotspur    #MCITOT
Norwich City vs West Ham United    #NORWHU
Sunderland vs Manchester United    #SUNMUN
Swansea City vs Southampton    #SWASOU

27 February 2016
Leicester City vs Norwich City    #LEINOR

Liverpool vs Everton    #LIVEVE
Manchester United vs Arsenal    #MUNARS
Newcastle United vs Manchester City    #NEWMCI
Southampton vs Chelsea    #SOUCHE
Stoke City vs Aston Villa    #STKAVL
Tottenham Hotspur vs Swansea City    #TOTSWA
Watford vs AFC Bournemouth    #WATBOU
West Bromwich Albion vs Crystal Palace    #WBACRY
West Ham United vs Sunderland    #WHUSUN

1 March 2016

AFC Bournemouth vs Southampton    #BOUSOU
Arsenal vs Swansea City    #ARSSWA
Aston Villa vs Everton    #AVLEVE
Leicester City vs West Bromwich Albion    #LEIWBA
8pm Liverpool vs Manchester City    #LIVMCI
8pm Manchester United vs Watford    #MUNWAT
Norwich City vs Chelsea    #NORCHE
Sunderland vs Crystal Palace    #SUNCRY
West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspur    #WHUTOT

2 March 2016 
7:45 p.m. Stoke City vs Newcastle United    #STKNEW
5 March 2016
Chelsea vs Stoke City    #CHESTK

Crystal Palace vs Liverpool    #CRYLIV
Everton vs West Ham United    #EVEWHU
Manchester City vs Aston Villa    #MCIAVL
Newcastle United vs AFC Bournemouth    #NEWBOU
Southampton vs Sunderland    #SOUSUN
Swansea City vs Norwich City    #SWANOR
Tottenham Hotspur vs Arsenal    #TOTARS
Watford vs Leicester City    #WATLEI
West Bromwich Albion vs Manchester United #WBAMUN

12 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Swansea City    #BOUSWA

Arsenal vs West Bromwich Albion    #ARSWBA
Aston Villa vs Tottenham Hotspur    #AVLTOT
Leicester City vs Newcastle United    #LEINEW
Liverpool vs Chelsea    #LIVCHE
Manchester United vs Crystal Palace    #MUNCRY
Norwich City vs Manchester City    #NORMCI
Stoke City vs Southampton #STKSOU
Sunderland vs Everton    #SUNEVE
West Ham United vs Watford    #WHUWAT

19 March 2016
Chelsea vs West Ham United    #CHEWHU

Crystal Palace vs Leicester City    #CRYLEI
Everton vs Arsenal    #EVEARS
Manchester City vs Manchester United    #MCIMUN
Newcastle United vs Sunderland    #NEWSUN
Southampton vs Liverpool    #SOULIV
Swansea City vs Aston Villa    #SWAAVL
Tottenham Hotspur vs AFC Bournemouth    #TOTBOU
Watford vs Stoke City    #WATSTK
West Bromwich Albion vs Norwich City    #WBANOR

2 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Manchester City    #BOUMCI

Arsenal vs Watford    #ARSWAT
Aston Villa vs Chelsea    #AVLCHE
Leicester City vs Southampton    #LEISOU
Liverpool vs Tottenham Hotspur    #LIVTOT
Manchester United vs Everton    #MUNEVE
Norwich City vs Newcastle United    #NORNEW
Stoke City vs Swansea City    #STKSWA
Sunderland vs West Bromwich Albion    #SUNWBA
West Ham United vs Crystal Palace    #WHUCRY

9 April 2016  
Aston Villa vs AFC Bournemouth    #AVLBOU

Crystal Palace vs Norwich City    #CRYNOR
Liverpool vs Stoke City #LIVSTK
Manchester City vs West Bromwich Albion    #MCIWBA
Southampton vs Newcastle United    #SOUNEW
Sunderland vs Leicester City    #SUNLEI
Swansea City vs Chelsea    #SWACHE
Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester United    #TOTMUN
Watford vs Everton    #WATEVE
West Ham United vs  Arsenal                                                              #WHUARS

16 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Liverpool    #BOULIV

Arsenal vs Crystal Palace    #ARSCRY
Chelsea vs Manchester City    #CHEMCI
Everton vs Southampton    #EVESOU
Leicester City vs West Ham United    #LEIWHU
Manchester United vs Aston Villa    #MUNAVL
Newcastle United vs Swansea City    #NEWSWA
Norwich City vs Sunderland    #NORSUN
Stoke City vs Tottenham Hotspur    #STKTOT
West Bromwich Albion vs Watford                                                     #WBAWAT

23 April 2016 
AFC Bournemouth vs Chelsea    #BOUCHE

Aston Villa vs Southampton    #AVLSOU
Crystal Palace vs Everton    #CRYEVE
Leicester City vs Swansea City    #LEISWA
Liverpool vs Newcastle United    #LIVNEW
Manchester City vs Stoke City    #MCISTK
Norwich City vs Watford    #NORWAT
Sunderland vs Arsenal    #SUNARS
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Bromwich Albion    #TOTWBA
West Ham United vs Manchester United                                               #WHUMUN

Arsenal vs Norwich City    #ARSNOR

Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur    #CHETOT
Everton vs AFC Bournemouth    #EVEBOU
Manchester United vs Leicester City    #MUNLEI
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace    #NEWCRY
Southampton vs Manchester City    #SOUMCI
Stoke City vs Sunderland    #STKSUN
Swansea City vs Liverpool    #SWALIV
Watford vs Aston Villa    #WATAVL
West Bromwich Albion vs West Ham United                                       #WBAWHU

7 May 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs West Bromwich Albion    #BOUWBA

Aston Villa vs Newcastle United    #AVLNEW
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City    #CRYSTK
Leicester City vs Everton    #LEIEVE
Liverpool vs Watford    #LIVWAT
Manchester City vs Arsenal    #MCIARS
Norwich City vs Manchester United    #NORMUN
Sunderland vs Chelsea    #SUNCHE
Tottenham Hotspur vs Southampton    #TOTSOU
West Ham United vs Swansea City                                                     #WHUSWA

15 May 2016  
Arsenal vs Aston Villa    #ARSAVL

Chelsea vs Leicester City    #CHELEI
Everton vs Norwich City    #EVENOR
Manchester United vs AFC Bournemouth    #MUNBOU
Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur    #NEWTOT
Southampton vs Crystal Palace    #SOUCRY
Stoke City vs West Ham United    #STKWHU
Swansea City vs Manchester City    #SWAMCI
Watford vs Sunderland    #WATSUN
West Bromwich Albion vs Liverpool                                                  #WBALIV