Monday, February 15, 2016

New Jersey Twins Give Birth To TWINS 6 Minutes Apart

Identical twins Stephanie and Nicole are still in sync as adults. They New Jersey twins gave birth to two girls, in the same hospital, across from each other, just minutes apart.
According to the twins, this isn’t the first time their bond has flourished. They were born three minutes apart and have been in sync ever since. They went to the same college, pledged the same sorority and had the same job working as speech and language pathologists. They’ve even unintentionally dressed alike. Seems like nothing has changed.New Jersey Twins Give Birth To Twins 6 Minutes Apart featStephanie Edginton’s original due date was on Feb. 5, but by Feb. 8, she hadn’t gone into labor, yet. She booked a doctor’s appointment for the following Monday morning. An hour before she was scheduled to see the doctor, Stephanie started having contractions and went to the hospital.On her way to the hosptial, Stephanie called her family to inform them of her status. They told her her sister was on her way, but what she didn’t know was that her sister was on her way to labor as well.
“As I was calling my family to tell them I was going in, they told me my sister was going in, too,” Edginton told the Daily News.
Her twin sister, Nicole Montgomery, who was also headed towards the end of her pregnancy wasn’t due until Valentine’s Day

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