Saturday, May 2, 2015


Amazon Associates

Amazon pretty much started affiliate marketing so naturally they know what they are doing. The Amazon Associates program allows you to earn a portion of sales when people click-through from your blog to and make a purchase. You only earn money when people buy something from the web giant and the amount you earn varies based on what people order and how many people purchase through your links. The Associates program works best for people whose blog focuses on products and shopping. You’ll earn more money if people are in a shopping mood when they visit your site than if they just want to browse.


When you blog, you’ll provide people with information for free and be someway entertaining about it. If you have pretty decent grammar and can type, it is very easy to create your own e-book in Microsoft office. Ideally, your e-book will connect with the content on your blog and expand on it in some way. People won’t want to pay money for content you’ve previously given away. For example, if you have a golfing blog, your e-book could be a short golf lesson on driving or putting or even what coursed you need to play.

YouTube Videos

Yes you can actually put a YouTube video you make right in your blog with some text above or below it. YouTube is the 2nd most searched website on the planet so take full advantage of it.


When it comes to putting advertisements on your blog to generate income, Google’s AdSense is often the best way to earn money from ads. It’s simple to use and doesn’t require you to have a great amount of technical know-how. To put an AdSense ad on your blog, you pretty much just have to copy and paste the code once approved by AdSense. It’s also one of the biggest advertising networks available, so you’ll have a wide range of advertisers to work with. That also means that you can make money from it even if your blog falls into a pretty obscure niche.

Banner Swaps

It is exactly what it sounds like. You find someone willing to pay you a monthly fee and you just put whatever banner they wish somewhere on your blog or you can swap banners and put yours on theirs and theirs on yours.Its essentially free advertising since your just swapping. It is similar to a roadside billboard concept and works great since you can switch an ad out every month.

Other Affiliate Programs

Depending the topic of your blog and the amount of traffic you get, you can participate in multiple different marketing programs. Some marketing programs only allow blogs that have a high traffic volume, so you might have to wait and build your audience before becoming a member. As your blog grows, fun ways to make money online can include reaching out to small companies whose products you trust and use to see if they would like to set up an affiliate marketing program with you. You would post a link to their product on your blog and if someone clicks through your blog to their site and orders it, you would get a portion of the sale.

Offer private 1 on 1 coaching from your blog

You can advertise somewhere on your blog that you will video chat or coach them over the phone for 15 minutes or half hour lessons. If someone really enjoys your blog and thinks they would like to learn from you then you would be surprised how many people will pay you for your time. So there you go. 7 easy and simple ways to start making money from your blog. Please subscribe to my newsletter for new updates and share this blog below on one of the social media icons. It would be greatly appreciated!

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